Habilitation at the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies


Habilitation guidelines of the Faculty of Philological and Cultural StudiesFakultät

Since 24 June 2020, a separate faculty guideline has been in force, which was adapted on 23 June 2021 due to a new guideline of the University Senate.

1. General information:

For general information on the requirements and procedure see this fact sheet (PDF)

Further information:

2. Things to consider before applying:

Please consider these things before applying:

  • Get in contact with the professors responsible for the subject area of the intended "Venia Docendi" for consultation about:
    • allocation of subject area
    • allocation „Venia docendi“
    • habilitation thesis/candidate's command of the habilitation subject
    • candidate's teaching activities


3. Application at the Dean's Office:

  • Please contact the Dean's office to arrange an appointment (dekanat.philkult@univie.ac.at)
  • Application has to be made through the Dean's Office using the fully completed form.
  • fee charging for the application will be calculated at the Dean's Office during submission.