Support and Services

The Faculty's Third Party Funding Services offer support in the following areas:

- Advice and support in the preparation of, and application for, projects

- Support with calculating project costs

- An interface for other university services (e.g. the university's central research services, finance and controlling, human relations and gender equality, etc.)

- Informative events about various grant programmes of our research areas

Office Hours

For personal consultation please contact:


FWF - new grant programme ASTRA

By autumn 2024 the current FWF programmes START and Elise-Richter will be merged into a new programme. The FWF-ASTRA Awards are intended as a career funding programme for advanced post docs.

The application process is handled by Central Research Services ( However, since the faculty's approval is needed, please also contact the faculty's third party funding services. The university's in-house deadline is 19.09.2024; information on the uni-internal process can be found in the intranet.



Where to submit project applications?

Faculty's Third-Party Funding Service

  • § 26 Projects
  • § 27 Projects with funding (for univie) of less than € 100,000.--
  • §27 Projects, FWF (i.e. PROFI mode) with funding (for univie) of less than € 700,000.--

Research Services and Career Development

  • § 27 Projects with funding (for the University of Vienna) of more than € 100.000,--
  • Knowledge Exchange and Technology Transfer

International Office

  • OeAD (except Scientific & Technological Cooperation programme)
  • APPEAR etc.
  • higher education projects
  • mobility projects

Application Process at the Faculty

Please refer to the task menu on the right for all relevant information.

Internal Area

Please log-in with your personal User-ID.

The Internal Area provides further information on calls, events, budget calculation tools and more.

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