Research data management refers to the organisation and management of data generated and processed at all stages of the research process. The University of Vienna offers a wide range of services in the field of research data management and Open Science. See "Support in the research process" for an overview.

In the background, several institutions work together on the research support services: among others, the University Library, the Computer Center, the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Research Service and Career Development unit, and the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies.

The website is the central overview and starting point. For all inquiries, use the central mail address

 Support and services

The variety of departments involved and services offered might seem confusing at as first glance. As the data stewardess for PhilKult, Monika Bargmann is the first point of contact for all questions related to research data management and Open Science for faculty members. She advises and supports researchers in the management of their data in all phases of a research project and forms the interface to the central services in this area. The services primarily address researchers including PhD students, and in certain cases also master's students.

Contact: Consultation appointments are flexible by appointment via email/phone/digital and can take place online or in person.

 Current news

27.04.2023 14:00

Good open access: minimum requirements vs best practice

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Advanced computational methods for studying Buddhist texts

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DH-Kolloquium: Digitale Editionen inklusiv

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FDM-Basics für Doktorand*innen

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dsUniVie talk: Evaluation and learning with structured test sets

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Citizen Science-Workshop FWF

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Photo Credit (header):University of Vienna/Arnold Pöschl